Believing Bigger To Rise Above The Storms

Hey Dolls! I’m so excited to share how to believe bigger! Through this blog, I want to show you how stay on the climb with the best mindset possible. Are you ready to open your mind and grow your faith?  Bigger and better things are going to happen for you...yes YOU! Open up your heart and get ready! Here are some of the ways you can grow your faith and believe for amazing things in your life...

If you love podcasts, you can listen to me share about believing bigger in this podcast episode:

1.  Believe Bigger For Your Life

In 2021, I started with a word of the year. My word was “BELIEVE,” and I desired to believe bigger! The months flew by, and at the end of the year, I revisited this word.  As I thought about everything that we walked through this year, one question came to mind. I want to ask you the same thing I asked myself: Do you actually believe things will get better for you? 

We tend to get trapped in a cycle of the same thing every day. In fact, sometimes we forget to even think about what’s next!  It's hard to believe for better when you're stuck in autopilot.  So as you're reading today, I want you to really honestly ask yourself: Do you believe that there is better for you? 

One of the greatest ways I've found to grow my faith is to stay in the Word.  If you're needing a faith boost, here's a verse you can start with.  I have Ephesians 4:20 highlighted in bright yellow in my Bible, and for good reason!  If you're seeking to grow your faith and believe for something big, this is a verse you need to really look at.  Take time to read and get in your head.

It reminds us that we’re children of royalty and daughters of the King!  Take a moment to let that sink in.  God says that you’re special and different from others.  Why?  For so many reasons.  But In this verse, God is saying He’s already at work within us because we're His!  Even more than we desire it, he wants bigger and better for us. Through His mighty power, He’s able to accomplish infinitely more than anything we could ever dream. 

Are you focusing on something besides the climb you’re on? You have to believe bigger and stay focused so you can get to the top!  Save this Bible verse in your app, on your Pinterest boards, and in your heart:

2.  Pray Bold Prayers

Another step in believing bigger is praying BOLD prayers.  If we don’t start by praying bold prayers for ourselves, who else is going to pray them for us? Maybe you're believing bigger for your kids, for a relationship that you don’t see ever working out or improving, or maybe it’s something else.  No matter what, you have to remember that God won’t take you over the challenges.  Bold prayers and big faith aren't going to exempt you from them.  But He promises to walk you THROUGH the fires in your life, and that you will come out clean!  However, if we’re sitting back in irritability and stuck in the mindset that nothing is going to work out, then there’s no hope for us.

Remember that my word for 2021 was "BELIEVE"? I had a bracelet made that says “Believe Bigger” to remind myself that I have to take responsibility for my own life.  What are some ways that you can take the responsibility to grow your faith?  Write yourself notes to stick on your bathroom mirror, get a piece of jewelry to remind you of your commitment, or do something else.  No matter what it is, the best way to reach a goal is to remind yourself of it.  Committing to believing bigger is the same!

3.  How To Focus On God, Even When You're Busy

So what happens when we get busy, and our quiet time doesn't make it on the schedule?  I know that during the summer, especially for moms, we get away from our normal routines.  In 2021, I know I drifted away a little bit.  I didn't work out regularly, my quiet times were shorter, and I was caught up in all the fun summer activities.  But when I got back into working out and nutrition, I felt totally different!  More than that, as I got back to focusing on God and making Him a priority, I noticed a huge change.  This is such an important reminder that when we focus on the most important things first, everything else falls into place.

I’m not saying to spend hours and hours in your Bible.  That's not realistic for most of us!  But God needs to be a priority.  If you're a parent like me, don't you want to set that example for your children too?  They need to see us praying and spending time in the Word.  Through my example, I want them to know they’ll never be alone.  I want them to desire a relationship with God too.   That way, no matter where they are, they need to know God is with them. 

Here are some of the ways I stay close to God when life gets hard: I keep Christian podcasts playing in my car.  I also prioritize reading my Bible, even if it's just for a few minutes.  No matter how I do it, I prioritize surrounding myself with truth.

The world will feed us bad things without any effort required on our part, right?   This leads to comparing yourself to others on social media, listening to the news, and all those other things will tear you down.  We have to fight back!  The way you can do this is to fill yourself up with God!

4.   How To Keep Your Faith When Things Get Hard

Do you feel like your situation is hopeless, or that it's too difficult to grow your faith?  It's ok to start small, Doll!  You may not be able to spend hours of time building yourself up every week.  But you can still prioritize God and focus on believing bigger.  

One of the most important parts of believing bigger is building your faith! There will be ups and downs in your relationship with God and your faith.  As life goes on, you'll notice that some seasons you’re close, and others you’re not.   No matter what the season, God is always ready and waiting! Even if you haven’t spoken to Him in years, He is waiting for you. He will fill you up with faith and hope.  Life isn’t easy, but He will walk you through every challenge. 

How I'm Believing Bigger Right Now...

An example of what I’m believing bigger for is to reach more women with this message of faith. I want to see more and more women show up in my Bible study, on my podcast, and reading this blog.  I love when women DM me with prayer requests!  No matter what, you have to show up for yourself.  After all, you’re going to be in the same place months and years from today if you don’t believe bigger. 

Another area where I’m believing bigger for is for my son.  I constantly pray and believe that God will guide his thoughts and decisions.  Not social media or the internet, but God.  I know it’s hard for teenage boys to stay close to God, but I also know it can happen! If you’re a parent, you need to keep an eye on what your kids are seeing and watching.  Whatever it is, it will shape your child.  You want to make sure you’re shaping them instead if the world! 

Remember, God us always in control.  He knows what you need right now. Be encouraged! It’s never too late. 

How To Practice Growing Your Faith

So I want you to take some time and think about this.  What is something you used to believe for that you now have?  Is it a better job? A healthy relationship? Improved health? Look at all of those answered prayers! That is where you can be grateful.  Use them as reminders that God always makes a way when there seems to be no way. And then, look at what you’re believing for right now. God can do it again!

Most of all, I just want you to lean into God. Ask Him to show you where you can believe bigger. Then, seek His guidance on what path you should take, who you should talk to, and how you should lead your children. 

Remember, faith is for the long haul. You can’t pray today and then get aggravated tomorrow if the prayer isn’t answered. Be committed for the long haul! Faith doesn't work if you turn it off and on when you feel like it.  Just like fitness takes time and consistency, so does your faith.  It’s a muscle!  Your relationship with God takes time, so commit to it for the long haul.

Ways To Get Into The Word And Grow Your Faith

Lately, I’ve been reading the book of Proverbs to get into the Bible.  There are 31 chapters in Proverbs, so I’ve been reading one a day this month.  I love it!  I don’t have to figure out what to read, because it's there for me.  If you want wisdom and a blueprint on how to live your life, you should read Proverbs!  If you’re not sure where to start, this is a great place to start.  Open up your Bible, or the Bible app, and start reading.  

Getting in the Word will open up your life to God.  You’ll begin to believe bigger as you read the word.  You might feel like you don’t have enough faith to see a change, but all you need is a tiny seed of faith to grow.  If you aren’t happy with a certain area of your life, spend time with God.  Things will start to happen that you could never believe, Doll.

Take time today to know God’s truths.  Learn them and instill those truths in your heart, the better your life will be!  Remember dolls, I want you to believe bigger in your life.  After all, no one else can do that for you!   Your friends, mentors, and women like me can pray for you and with you, but we can’t change your mindset or beliefs.  At the end of the day, you will always have to take that step of faith.  Are you ready to believe BIGGER?

Take A Minute To Pray...

God, thank you for supporting and encouraging us through this word. I ask that you will uplift and heal everyone who reads this blog. Help them to strengthen their faith and believe for bigger and better in their lives! Whatever the devil is trying to rob my readers of, I ask that you replenish it. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Stay Addicted To The Climb, Dolls!

xo, Kelley

Resources From Kelley


Addicted To The Climb Book

Addicted To The Climb is a breakdown of over 30 short personal stories to help people stay on the climb in their faith and fitness, while getting them fired up with fuel to motivate them to do so. I want the reader to know and realize that they are never alone and that God will make a way where there seems to be no way. These stories will help the reader breakthrough their own barriers that have been holding them back while giving them hope and courage to keep on climbing.


Addicted To The Climb Podcast

Listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

Hear how Kelley and her guests have real conversations while sharing their strategies and success tips so they never stop climbing to the next level no matter what they face. 


Free Resources & Faith-Fueled Fitness Programs

These resources, include free downloads and wellness programs that will transform your mind and body!  Whether you're wanting to lose weight, tone muscle, or grow a more positive mindset, you'll find great tools to help!


How To Grow Your Self Confidence