5 Ways To Develop a Healthy Mindset

If we don’t work on a healthy mindset every day, life can become really chaotic.  We get stressed out and overwhelmed by all the thoughts swirling around in our heads.

I talked all about this in my recent podcast, 5 Mindset Shifts to Become Mentally Strong and Fit.  You can use the player here to listen!

Or keep reading for the key takeaways...

There are things we can do every single day to help develop a healthy mindset!  These are my five mindset shifts to help you become mentally stronger starting TODAY:

1. Adopt a WIT Mentality: Whatever It Takes

If you set out to do something, then do whatever it takes to get the job done!  I always think back to my fitness competition days.  There was no secret trick to winning four times.  Instead, I decided that I was going to FINISH my training and preparation no matter how hard it got.  I was determined to do whatever it took to win!  I just kept telling myself that over and over until I finished. 

Remember you can really only count on yourself to finish things.  Your husband, wife, kids, or parents can’t finish something for you.  Only you can!  So ask yourself, why CAN’T you do whatever it takes?  Why CAN’T you finish the job?  The answer is, you CAN.  Just count on yourself to finish!

If you’re on a new health plan, just commit to finishing it.  Maybe you bought a great book that is still sitting on your shelf.  Pick it up today!  Do you need to clean out your closet?  Take a chance for yourself and see what happens when you do whatever it takes to finish your goal.  In fact, post it on social media and tag me!  Just say "WIT @kelleytyan" in your caption, and I’ll see it.

2.  Commit to something because it's hard!

If everything was easy, everyone would do it. Commit to doing it anyway - God created you to do hard things.  Remember, if other people are getting things done, why can’t you?  If they can do it, so you can you!  No one is special, they are just committed.  Do the damn thing doll!

I think back to when I started my fitness journey.  I was a junk-foodie! LOL.  I hardly ever ate a vegetable until I was well into my 30s.  But I became sick and tired of staying in the same place.  So I chose to do the hard thing and change my health.

What is the hard thing you need to do?  It's time to stop avoiding it.  Instead, look straight at the challenge and take it on!  You can do this, and you'll be so glad you did.

3.  Start Prioritizing Self Care.

You cannot pour from an empty cup!  I don’t care who you are, prioritize your self care.  This will look different for everyone.  If you’re a mom and you feel like you’re too busy with your kids, I want you to change your mindset.  You DO have time to take care of yourself!  Make an appointment with yourself to go to the gym, get lunch with a friend, or do something you enjoy.

Ultimately, this comes down to your choices.  Honestly ask yourself this question: When did you stop being a priority for yourself?  Let's be real.  I work with so many moms, and I am a mom myself.  I know we stop taking care of ourselves.  But if you start making time for yourself, you’ll feel better!  You will be able to be a better mom, wife, and friend if you prioritize self care.  

4. Treat discomfort as a friend, not an enemy.

I heard this, and I LOVE it!  When you start something new, it always feels so uncomfortable.  However, that doesn't make it wrong.  When you treat that discomfort like a friend as you start something new, the more familiar that new action will be. Just keep doing it.  Then, you’ll start to enjoy that new thing more and more as you create momentum.

What is your uncomfortable thing?  Maybe you’re trying a new nutrition program.  It’s hard!  I started getting healthy in my thirties, and I struggled with changing what I ate.  After all, sugar is like a drug, and it is so addictive, but you can let it go!  If you’re struggling with healthy choices, embrace the discomfort.  Don’t let fear stop you!  Make a choice to step out in faith each day and conquer what you want to achieve for your health.  When you conquer your goal, you’ll become unstoppable!

5. Change What You Believe About Yourself

Changing what you believe about yourself won't just give you a healthy mindset, it will also change your life!  Start by writing down these mantras:

I will accomplish this because _________ .

I am strong enough to ________ .

I choose to put myself first today because ________ .

Did you write them down?  Now, start saying these things out loud.  You have to change your belief system about yourself!  These three mantras will help you believe in yourself!


Commit To Your Healthy Mindset

I really want you to become addicted to the climb!  The only way to do this is to take messy action, embrace discomfort, changing what you believe about yourself, and commit to finishing hard things!

Pick one of these five ways to change your mindset to work on each week.  When you do, you can begin making small, consistent steps towards a healthy mindset.

So tell me, doll, what action step are you going to take today?  Please DM me and let me know!  I’m your biggest cheerleader, and I want to lift you up along the way!  If you'd like extra support, I offer one on one faith-fueled fitness coaching.  Follow this link and learn more about it!

Resources To  Stay On The Climb Together

I share wellness tips twice a week with my email community!  When you join my email list, you'll also get your free copy of The DOERS Method to kickstart your goals!

Join my Facebook community full of other women on the climb.  We encourage and inspire each other every week, and we even have Bible studies every Monday night!

Get your copy of my book, Addicted To The Climb, on Amazon.  I shared over thirty of my most personal faith challenges, and I know they'll inspire you to keep going!


How To Conquer Your Uphill Battles